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Utolsó módosítás Willis, ekkor: 2014.07.16.
Ebben a cikkben sorra vesszük a Prot Warri képességeit(WoW 4.3), és hogy hogyan is használjuk őket (rota). Megnézzük azt is, mikor érdemes használni a CD képességeidet. Aztán kicsit részletezzük a azokat a finomságokat, amikkel egy Prot Warri szembe kerülhet. A többi Prot Warri leírás elérhető a bal oldali tartalom jegyzékből. 1. Alap egy targetes rotaAz egy targetes rota elég egyszerű, és így néz ki (a túlélő képességek nélkül):
Ahhoz, hogy rendesen kihasználd a karaktered, ezt a rotát kombinálni kell a túlélő képességeiddel (alább részletesen). Ezen kívül a raid környezet megköveteli, hogy fenn tarts egy-egy buffot Commanding Shout vagy Battle Shout, és debuffot Demoralizing Shout és Thunder Clap. Ha életben maradsz és tartod az aggrót, akkor már csak arra kell törekedni, hogy minél nagyobb sebzést ossz ki. 2. Alap több targetes rota↑top
Ezeken kívül váltogathatod a targeted, és használhatod az egy targetes képességeket, ha valamelyik mobon csökken az aggród (pl.: Shield Slam és Revenge). 3. Tauntolás↑topTaunt a fő taunt képesség. Csak egy targeten működik, és 8 sec a CD-je (ami frissül minden alkalommal, ha megütik azt a raid tagot, akin a Vigilance van). A Vigilance-ről bővebben annak részletes leírásában olvashatsz. Challenging Shout egy AoE taunt. 10 yardon belül minden mobra hat, 6 secen keresztül. 3 perces CD-je van. Fontos, hogy ez nem hat a mobok aggrójára, a 6 másodperc letelte után visszatérnek előző targetjükhöz, ha nem sikerült elég aggrót termelni ez idő alatt rajtuk. 4. Védekező és támadó CD képességek↑topHogy jó teljesítményt hozzunk ki a Prot Warriból, rendszeresen használni kell a védekező és támadó CD képességeket. Védekező CD képességek:
Additionally, you can provide your raid with Rallying Cry. It increases the maximum health of all party and raid members by 20% for 10 seconds. Note that it shares a cooldown with Last Stand. Offensive cooldowns:
5. Stance↑topYou should be in Defensive Stance at all times, as this provides you with a crucial threat-modifier which allows you to keep aggro. There is a single exception to this, namely when needing to switch to Battle Stance in order to cast Shattering Throw (described below), though should only be for a few seconds. 6. Mastering Your Protection Warrior↑topThe guidelines given above will enable you to play your Protection Warrior with good results. If you want to push things further and master your character, then we advise you to continue reading. 6.1. Rage GenerationWarriors use a resource called Rage (Feral Druid tanks are the only other class in the game to use it). For you to properly master your Warrior, you must understand how Rage works. The Rage bar has a maximum capacity of 100, and is empty by default. Rage decays at a rate of 1 per second when out of combat. In combat, Rage does not decay. Rage is generated through three sources: taking damage (all sources, except for fall damage), dealing damage (only white attacks) and through the use of certain talents and abilities. Taking damage generates rage, depending on the amount of health you have and the damage you receive. "Taking damage" includes every possible source of damage (including magic damage), except for fall damage. While the formula itself is not public, and not very relevant, all you need to know is that if you are taking a lot of damage from boss hits, then you will have ample rage. Otherwise, your rage generation will suffer. This does not mean that you should ever increase the amount of damage you take (through unequipping gear, for example) to generate more rage. Dealing damage generates rage, depending on your base weapon speed. Rage is only generated from white attacks, so not from special abilities (yellow attacks). The formula for this is simple: 6.5 * the base weapon speed. Off-hand attacks generate only 50% of the rage of a main-hand attack, but this is not relevant as you will never use an off-hand as a Protection Warrior. The only factors which affect offensive rage generation, outside of base weapon speed, are attack speed and chance to hit (only up to the point where you are guaranteed to hit, so 8% chance to hit). This is because the more you attack, the more times you will generate rage. For more details on white (normal) and yellow (special) attacks, and how they are influenced by Hit and Expertise Rating, you can check our guide on the mechanics of melee attacks. When choosing the Protection specialisation, you gain the passive ability Sentinel. Among other things, Sentinel affects your offensive rage generation in the following way: the rage generated by your white swings, when attacking a target of which you do not have aggro, is increased by 50%. This is designed to make up for the damage loss that Protection Warriors suffer because they receive no rage from attacks when they are not the active tank. Rage is also generated through a variety of talents and abilities. We will detail these in their relevant sections. 6.2. VengeanceVengeance is a passive ability which you receive for choosing the Protection specialisation. Essentially, it increases your attack power for 5% of the damage you receive, up to a maximum of 10% of your maximum health. It is an essential mechanic in allowing you to maintain aggro of mobs. 6.3. Threat and Damaging AbilitiesYou will find yourself using most of these abilities during any encounter, either to generate threat, or simply to deal more damage.
6.4. Movement and Utility AbilitiesWhile not strictly involved in your rotation, these are abilities you will find yourself using often in encounters.
6.5. PullingThe sequence of abilities you use when you pull a boss (or a group of mobs) can determine whether or not you are able to hold aggro for the remainder of the fight or not. As such, it is important that you familiarise yourself with the best way to do this. 6.5.1. Single TargetIn the case of single target pulls, you want to use the following sequence:
After this point, you will want to get Rend, Thunder Clap and Demoralizing Shout up, as your threat level allows. Additionally, you will want to get 3 stacks of Sunder Armor up through Devastate. Any Sword and Board procs that you get should be used on Shield Slam immediately, as the more Shield Slams you can squeeze in while your Shield Block is active, the better. 6.5.2. AoEFor AoE pulls, your main priority is to apply Rend to a target and then spread it to the others through Thunder Clap. You should use Charge and Heroic Leap to get to the enemies faster, and you should use Shockwave early, to keep the mobs in place and allow you to cast Rend and Thunder Clap without losing aggro. 6.6. Advanced Ability Usage6.6.1. Shield BlockShield Block serves two purposes:
Because of its low cooldown, you will want to use it often. When using it, you should keep in mind the extra damage to Shield Slam, and you should attempt to maximise the number of Shield Slams you can use during its uptime. Shield Block has a 10 second duration, and Shield Slam has a 6 second cooldown, so even without any Sword and Boards, you should be able to time it so that you can Shield Slam twice. You should also use Revenge and Devastate as many times as you can while Shield Block is active, in an attempt to reset the cooldown of your Shield Slam. If there is a particular spike of damage during the encounter, which you need to mitigate, you can save Shield Block for this moment. 6.6.2. Shield Wall, Last Stand and Enraged RegenerationThese are your three defensive abilities with longer cooldowns. The way in which you use them will vary greatly based on the encounter and the way you coordinate with your healers, but the following guidelines are useful:
Note that if you lack an Enrage effect from Bastion of Defense (a requirement for using Enraged Regeneration), you can use Berserker Rage. 6.6.3. VigilanceVigilance provides two benefits:
For both these reasons, it is advisable to use Vigilance on someone who is taking sustained damage; this will, in most cases, be one of the other tanks. 6.6.4. Rage IssuesIf you are having problems with rage generation, do any of the following things:
If you have an excess of rage, you can simply dump it with Heroic Strike (or Cleave, in the case of multiple targets). In addition, you can use Inner Rage to allow you to use these abilities more often. |