In this article, we list the buffs, debuffs and useful abilities
that a Restoration Shaman brings to a raid in WoW 4.3. We also list
equivalent buffs and debuffs that other classes provide.
The other articles of our Restoration Shaman guide can be accessed
from the table of contents on the left.
Ancestral Healing |
Reduces target's incoming damage after a critical heal —
does not stack with Inspiration |
Alliance and Horde equivalents of Time Warp |
Strength of Earth Totem |
+549 Agility and Strength — does not stack with
Horn of Winter,
Roar of Courage, and
Battle Shout
Stoneskin Totem |
Increases armor of all raid members within 40 yard
range of the Shaman by 4075 —
does not stack with Devotion Aura |
Flametongue Totem |
Increases spell power by 6% — does not stack with Arcane Brilliance,
Totemic Wrath, and Demonic Pact
Elemental Resistance Totem |
- Increases Fire, Frost, and Nature Resistance by 195.
Healing Stream Totem |
- Heals nearby party members for a small amount every 2 seconds. This totem is
usually used by Restoration Shamans, as they have various talents to improve it.
- Thanks to Glyph of Healing Stream Totem, increases Fire, Frost, and Nature Resistance by 195.
Mana Spring Totem |
+326 mana per 5 seconds — does not stack with
Blessing of Might and Fel Intelligence
Totem of Tranquil Mind |
Reduces the casting pushback suffered by raid members by 30% —
does not stack with Concentration Aura |
Windfury Totem |
Increases ranged and melee Attack Speed of all raid or party
members by 10% — does not stack with Improved Icy Talons and
Hunting Party |
Wrath of Air Totem |
Increases spell casting speed of all raid or party
members by 5% — does not stack with Moonkin Form
and Mind Quickening
Earth Shock |
Attack Speed reduction —
does not stack with Frost Fever, Infected Wounds,
Dust Cloud, Tailspin, Judgements of the Just,
Waylay, and Thunder Clap
Cleanse Spirit |
Purge |
Dispels a beneficial magical effect from an enemy target. |
Tremor Totem |
Put this totem down whenever a boss or an add is about to cast a fear
effect on your party or raid. This totem is unique to Shamans and it is
important to use it when needed. After using Tremor Totem, do not forget to
replace it with your regular Earth Totem. |
Wind Shear |
Interrupt on a 15-second cooldown |
Rockbiter Weapon |
Single-target taunt (when combined with Unleash Elements) |
Frost Shock |
Single-target slow |
Earthbind Totem |
AoE Slow |
Incapacitating abilities that have a limited interest due to the fact
that other classes have equivalent abilities that do not have cooldowns
(namely Polymorph for Mages, and Banish for Warlocks)
Grounding Totem |
Prevents a harmful spell from damaging a nearby ally. |
Stoneclaw Totem |
With Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem, Stoneclaw Totem can be used to absorb damage done to you. |