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In this article, we list your Fury Warrior (WoW 4.3) core abilities and how they should be used together (rotation). We also explain when to use your various cooldowns. Then, we go deeper and present all the subtleties that playing a Fury Warrior will face you with. The other articles of our Fury Warrior guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the left. 1. Basic Single Target Rotation↑topYour single target rotation is very simple. The first thing to remember is that you want to use Bloodthirst each time it is available. It has a 3 second cooldown, so this means that every other global cooldown should be a Bloodthirst. For every global cooldown that is not used by Bloodthirst, use the following priority list:
For Single-Minded Fury Warriors, Slam, which does more damage, has a higher priority than Raging Blow. Furthermore, Heroic Strike (which is off the global cooldown) should be used when you have a large amount of rage (70+) or whenever you have a Battle Trance proc. 2. Basic Multiple Target Rotation↑topThe AoE rotation depends on how many adds you are facing and how good your rage generation is. If you are facing two enemies you should replace Heroic Strike with Cleave, but maintain the normal rotation. If you are facing three enemies you should resort to only using Cleave and Bloodthirst. If you are facing four or more enemies, you should try to incorporate Whirlwind in your rotation together with Cleave. This may not be possible due to rage limitations, and as such you should simply see which of the two abilities deals more damage. 3. Cooldown Usage↑topYou have two main DPS cooldowns: Death Wish and Recklessness. These two abilities should be used as often as possible. Do not hesitate to cast them both at the same time for increased effects. You can (and should) also combine them with buffs, procs, and potions. Using Death Wish and Recklessness optimally is covered in a subsequent section. You have two additional cooldowns, the use of which is rather situational:
4. Stance↑topFury is played exclusively in Berserker Stance. The only reason why you will ever want to switch stance is for casting Shattering Throw (which requires Battle Stance), once or twice per fight. 5. Mastering Your Fury Warrior↑topThe guidelines given above will enable you to play your Fury Warrior with good results. If you want to push things further and master your character, then we advise you to continue reading. 5.1. Rage GenerationWarriors use a resource called Rage (Feral Druid tanks are the only other class in the game to use it). For you to properly master your Warrior, you must understand how Rage works. The Rage bar has a maximum capacity of 100, and is empty by default. Rage decays at a rate of 1 per second when out of combat. In combat, Rage does not decay. Rage is generated through three sources: dealing damage (only white attacks), taking damage (all sources, except for fall damage) and through the use of certain talents and abilities. Dealing damage generates rage, depending on your base weapon speed. Rage is only generated from white attacks, so not from special abilities (yellow attacks). The formula for this is simple: 6.5 * the base weapon speed. The other factors which affect offensive rage generation are attack speed and chance to hit (only up to the point where you are guaranteed to hit, so 8% chance to hit). This is because the more you attack, the more times you will generate rage. For more details on white (normal) and yellow (special) attacks, and how they are influenced by Hit and Expertise Rating, you can check our guide on the mechanics of melee attacks. Rage is also generated through a variety of talents and abilities, as we will see in this article. Finally, taking damage generates rage. The amount of rage generated depends on your health pool and the amount of damage you take. If your healers are able to cope with it, it is possible to purposefully take extra damage in order to generate extra rage (such as standing in something harmful). Note, however, that you should be extremely careful while doing this, and that more often than not it is better to do less DPS than to put a strain on your healers. 5.2. Important Abilities and MechanicsFury Warriors have a vast number of abilities which can be useful to raids, including various buffs and debuffs which they can apply. Here, we will only discuss those abilities which play a part in your DPS priority.
In addition to these damaging abilities, Fury Warriors should also make use of the following cooldowns:
In the sections below, we will detail each of your important mechanics and ability interactions. 5.2.1. Battle TranceBattle Trance grants your Bloodthirsts a 15% chance to cause your next ability that costs more than 5 rage be free of cost. Naturally, it is ideal to use this proc on an ability which costs a lot of rage. You should have a means to track this proc (through an add-on such as Power Auras) and you should aim to use this proc on a Heroic Strike, as this is your most expensive ability. 5.2.2. Execute and ExecutionerWhen your target's health drops below 20%, your Execute ability becomes usable. The damage dealt by this ability varies, in part, based on how much rage you have when you cast it. Execute has a base cost of 10 rage, but if you have additional rage when you use it, up to a total of 20 additional rage, this extra rage will be consumed, and your Execute will deal more damage depending on how much rage you had. In addition to its damage, Execute also stacks Executioner on you, granting you up to 25% increased attack speed. 5.2.3. Slam and BloodsurgeYour Bloodsurge talent grants your Bloodthirsts a chance to make your next Slam, cast within 10 seconds, be instant cast (normally, Slam has a 1.5 second cast time), free of rage cost and deal increased damage. You should never, under any circumstances, use Slam when it is not instant cast. To ensure that you never cast accidental Slams, you should use the macro that we advise in our Addons and Macros page for Fury Warriors. You should have a means of tracking when this proc is active, through an add-on such as Power Auras. 5.2.4. Raging Blow and Enrage EffectsWarriors have the following talents and abilities which cause them to become "enraged":
Being enraged is a requirement for two Warrior abilities: Raging Blow and Enraged Regeneration. Enrages which originate from talents have a variable (but not too great) uptime. In the case of Fury Warriors, where Raging Blow is an important ability, Berserker Rage plays an important part. You should be prepared to use this ability in order to allow Raging Blow if you are not enraged. 5.3. Single Target Rotation SubtletiesThis section gives a few subtleties and optimisations for the rotation that we presented at the beginning of the article. 5.3.1. Heroic Strike and Battle TranceUsing Battle Trance procs on Heroic Strike is ideal and should not be a problem, as this ability is off the global cooldown. If, however, you have just used Heroic Strike when a proc occurs, you should use it on either Colossus Smash or Raging Blow rather than waiting for Heroic Strike to come off cooldown. 5.3.2. Heroic Strike and InciteIf you benefit from an Incite proc (making your next Heroic Strike a guaranteed critical strike), Heroic Strike goes up in priority, over Slam (Titan's Grip) / Raging Blow (Single-Minded Fury), provided that you can use it during a Colossus Smash. 5.3.3. Shall I Use Execute?When the target is below 20% health, Execute becomes available. For Fury Warriors, Execute is not useful damage-wise, but should be used to reach and maintain 5 stacks of Executioner. As such, you should stack Executioner to 5 immediately (ignoring your normal rotation) and then use Execute once every 9 seconds in order to refresh the buff. Outside of this, you should maintain the above rotation. 5.3.4. Free Global CooldownsIt is inevitable that sometimes you will have "free" global cooldowns (when nothing is available). During this time you can simply remain idle or apply/refresh Sunder Armor, if you are assigned to this task. 5.4. More on Death Wish and Recklessness5.4.1. Death WishDeath Wish has an effective cooldown of 2 minutes and 24 seconds (thanks to Intensify Rage), and you should aim to use it as many times as possible during an encounter. It lasts for 30 seconds, and you should try to make sure that nothing will impede you from DPSing for that duration (such as the boss going immune due to fight mechanics or you having to perform a non-DPS task). It is advised to stack this cooldown together with any other procs or buffs you can get, such as Recklessness, potion, trinket procs and Heroism/ Bloodlust/ Time Warp. Only do so, however, it if does not mean that you will get fewer uses of Death Wish in the fight. 5.4.2. RecklessnessRecklessness should be used as many times as possible during an encounter (this will most often be twice). Keep in mind that Recklessness increases the damage you take by 20%, so do not use it during a time when you are taking heavy damage if you risk dying. |