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Subtlety Rogue DPS Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs (WoW 4.3.4)

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In this article, we present you with various talent trees for Subtlety Rogues (WoW 4.3) that you can use in specific situations. We also give you pointers for customising your talent tree and adapting it to a particular boss. The other articles of our Subtlety Rogue guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the left.

1. Standard Talent Build↑top

The following talent build is standard these days and should cover all your needs. Almost all the possible variations are derived from this build, as we will see in the next section.

2. Hemorrhage Talent Build↑top

Some bosses cannot be attacked from behind (like Ultraxion in Dragon Soul). For these bosses, you can choose to use a customised build where every talent and glyph that boosts Backstab Icon Backstab (that can only be used from behind) is ignored. Instead, talents and glyphs that boost Hemorrhage Icon Hemorrhage and Eviscerate Icon Eviscerate are taken.

3. Customising Your Build↑top

The talent builds that we listed above will yield very good results. However, there are times when you will want to customise them and this section will provide you with the necessary information to adapt your build to your needs.

3.1. Customising Your Standard Talent Build

In the following image, the fixed talents have been hightlighted in green, while the optional talents have been hightlighted in red:

Customising Subtlety Rogue Standard Build

Your customisation choices are as follows:

  • In the Subtlety tree, you have 2 points that you can invest in the following talents:
  • Between the Assassination and Combat trees, you have 3 points that you can invest in the following talents:
    • spend 1 point in Coup de Grace Icon Coup de Grace to make it 3/3 and further increase your damage with Eviscerate Icon Eviscerate;
    • spend 1 point in Puncturing Wounds Icon Puncturing Wounds to make it 3/3 and further increase your damage with Backstab Icon Backstab;
    • spend 1 or 2 points in Quickening Icon Quickening to increase your survivability.
    • spend 1, 2, or 3 points in Precision Icon Precision, depending on how much Hit Rating your gear is currently providing you with (the goal is to not miss with special melee attacks);

3.2. Customising Your Hemorrhage Talent Build

In the following image, the fixed talents have been hightlighted in green, while the optional talents have been hightlighted in red:

Customising Subtlety Rogue Hemorrhage Build

The customisation choices are the same as in the Standard Build, just that Ruthlessness Icon Ruthlessness (which speeds up Combo Point generation) replaces Puncturing Wounds Icon Puncturing Wounds.

3.3. Glyphs

Choosing your glyphs as a Subtlety Rogue is very straightforward.

3.3.1. Prime Glyphs

In most cases, you will want to use the Prime Glyphs presented above for the Standard Build:

If you are using the Hemorrhage Icon Hemorrhage build, then you need to replace Glyph of Backstab with Glyph of Eviscerate.

If you are happy with your Energy regeneration and always find yourself refreshing Slice and Dice Icon Slice and Dice ahead of time, then you can replace Glyph of Slice and Dice with Glyph of Shadow Dance.

3.3.2. Major Glyphs

Your Major Glyphs should be:

3.3.3. Minor Glyphs

Your Minor Glyphs should be:

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