Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2014.06.26.
In this article, we present you with various talent trees for Fire
Mages (WoW 4.3) that you can use in specific situations. We also explain in
detail what the talents do, how they work together, and how you can
customise your talent tree in order to adapt it to a particular boss.
The other articles of our Fire Mage guide can be accessed
from the table of contents on the left.
1. A Unique Talent Tree↑top
Mana management as a Fire Mage has been made easy with the recent changes
(decrease in spell costs). As a consequence, it is no longer necessary to use
different talent trees that only differ in their impact on your mana
preservation and the AoE abilities they enable. These days, Fire Mages use a
general purpose talent tree that provides both excellent single and multiple
target DPS.
- Prime Glyphs
- Major Glyphs
- Minor Glyphs
2. Customising Your Build↑top
There is usually no need to customise your Fire Mage build. If you really
have to, then you will find here all the information you need on the talents
and the glyphs at your disposal.
2.1. Talents
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Master of Elements: even if mana management is no longer important to Fire
Mages, this talent is still helpful.
- 3/3
Burning Soul: it is necessary to take this talent in order to
gain access to the next tier of talents. The other possible talent is
Improved Fire Blast, but it is very situational (see below).
- 3/3
Ignite: that particular talent is one of the most important in
the tree. It enables you to deal additional damage over time for every critical
strike you score. This damage over time component is one of your main source of
- 3/3
Fire Power: this talent is really worth taking for the additional
damage it gives on Fire spells. The
Flame Orb improvement is also
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Impact: this talent unlocks a very powerful AoE ability which,
when used properly, is currently one of the strongest in the game.
- 1/1
Blast Wave: this ability is best used for dealing with ads in a
fight, when they need to be slowed down.
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Cauterize: this basically enables you to cheat death every
minute. It is vitally important.
- 1/1
Hot Streak: this talents gives a (small) chance to proc the
Hot Streak effect every time you do a critical hit with
Frostfire Bolt,
Pyroblast!, and
Fire Blast. While
the Hot Streak effect is up, your next cast of Pyroblast will be instant
and have no mana cost. Note that a critical hit with a free Pyroblast will
not trigger the
Hot Streak effect.
- 2/2
Improved Scorch: this is one of our most important talents. By
removing the mana cost of
Scorch, we can still continue casting,
even if we are totally out of mana (after a combat resurrection or when
Evocation is interrupted).
- 1/1
Combustion: this is an instant cast spell that can deal
quite a lot
of damage if cast when high damage Dots are ticking on the target. In multiple
target situations, Combustion can have tremendous effects when spread by
- 2/2
Improved Hot Streak: this talent improves
Hot Streak so
that the
Hot Streak effect will also trigger whenever you score two
critical hits in a row with
Frostfire Bolt,
Pyroblast!, and
Fire Blast. Note that a critical hit with a free
Pyroblast will not count.
- 1/1
Firestarter: this talent will let you sustain a large portion of
your DPS while moving.
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Improved Flamestrike: this transforms your Blast Wave into a very
powerful AoE ability. From now on, casting it on a group of two or more targets
will also cast a free
Flamestrike on that group (for no additional
- 1/1
Dragon's Breath: this talent could be skipped, but it is necessary
to unlock our finishing talent.
- 3/3
Molten Fury: the increased end-of-fight damage that this talent
gives cannot be overlooked.
- 2/2
Pyromaniac: it has its uses but they are mostly situational, for
instance, when a boss spawns adds on which you can cast
Living Bomb or
spread your DoTs with Impact.
- 3/3
Critical Mass: this talent is mandatory because of the increased
damage on Living Bomb and Flame Orb, two of our main spells. The debuff it
leaves on the target does not stack with
Shadow and Flame from Warlocks.
- 1/1
Living Bomb: our last tier talent gives us access to an ability
that will, in most fights, be our second most important source of damage.
- 3/3
Piercing Ice: this talent from the Frost tree gives an additional
3% critical strike chance with all spells.
- 3/3
Netherwind Presence: this talent from the Arcane tree increases
our spell haste, with every spell, by 3%.
2.1.1. Improved Fire Blast
Improved Fire Blast is a highly situational talent.
In fights with a lot of movement and little
to no AoE damage, you can trade a talent like
Improved Flamestrike
Impact for
Improved Fire Blast. This enables you to use
Fire Blast to fish for free
Pyroblast! (through
Hot Streak and
Improved Hot Streak) while on the move.
2.2. Glyphs
Choosing the correct glyphs as a Fire Mage is very straightforward. The
only choices you have to make are more based on convenience than utility.
2.2.1. Prime Glyphs
Your prime glyphs should be set as follows.
- Glyph of Fireball: it increases the critical strike chance of your
main nuke, increasing in turn the chances that
Hot Streak will proc.
- Glyph of Pyroblast: it increases the critical strike chance of
Pyroblast!, increasing in turn the chances that you will get an
Ignite from Pyroblast, which is what you need for
- Glyph of Molten Armor: it increases the critical strike bonus of
Molten Armor by another 2% which means that you will get more chances
to proc Hot Streak and more chances to get Ignites from Pyroblast.
2.2.2. Major Glyphs
The only mandatory major glyph is Glyph of Evocation because it allows
you to relieve some stress from your healers while regenerating your mana.
The optional major glyphs should be chosen from among the following, either
because you like what they offer or because they can be of use to you during
an encounter on which you are are currently progressing:
- Glyph of Blast Wave: the increase on the slowing effect is recommended
in fights where adds need to be slowed down.
- Glyph of Dragon's Breath: the reduced cooldown on that ability can be
useful in fights where adds need to be disrupted or interrupted at a higher
pace than what the unglyphed version of the ability can keep up with.
- Glyph of Blink: this glyph increases the travel distance of Blink by
5 yards. In fights where you need to move out of stuff quickly, it can be
very useful.
2.2.3. Minor Glyphs
We recommand you the following minor glyphs:
- Glyph of Arcane Brilliance: the mana cost reduction is very useful
during an encounter, should you have to rebuff someone, or yourself, having
just been resurrected with little mana.
- Glyph of Conjuring: the mana cost reduction can prove useful if you
have just been resurrected with little mana after a wipe and need to
re-conjure mana food.
- Glyph of Slow Fall: because always keeping reagents in your bags can
become quite annoying.