Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2014.06.27.
In this article, we present you with various talent trees for Enhancement
Shamans (WoW 4.3) that you can use in specific situations. We also explain in
detail what the talents do, how they work together, and how you can
customise your talent tree in order to adapt it to a particular boss.
The other articles of our Enhancement Shaman guide can be accessed
from the table of contents on the left.
1. Standard Talent Build↑top
The following build focuses on
Call of Flame and
Elemental Precision.
This gives you the best AoE capabilities and is the most suited for current content.
For AoE damage purposes, you can swap Glyph of Windfury Weapon
with Glyph of Flame Shock.
- Prime Glyphs
- Major Glyphs
- Minor Glyphs
2. Customising Your Build↑top
The talent build that we listed above will yield the best results with
the current tier of content. There is a bit of room for customisation,
if you desire to engage older content.
2.1. Talents
In the following image, the fixed talents have been hightlighted in green,
while the optional talents have been hightlighted in red:
As you can see, the variations of the Enhancement specialisation stem from
5 talent points that you should invest in the following Elemental talents:
Call of Flame, which increases your AoE damage;
Reverberation, which lowers the cooldown of
Wind Shear to 5 seconds,
making it the best interrupt in the game (all the other interrupts have 10-second
cooldowns or more);
Elemental Precision, which increases your overall damage.
In current content,
Reverberation is largely useless because none of
the fights require an improved
Wind Shear, so you will want to invest 5
points in
Call of Flame and
Elemental Precision.
If you need an improved
Wind Shear, then you need to invest the remaining
3 points between
Call of Flame and
Elemental Precision, depending on
whether you need to do AoE damage or not.
2.1.1. Acuity and Concussion
In order to unlock the second tier of the Elemental Combat tree, we spent
3 points in
Acuity and 2 in
Concussion. As you get better gear,
your critical strike chance increases and the bonus from Acuity becomes less
and less valuable, especially if your uptime on
Flurry and
Elemental Devastation (two self-buffs triggered by your critical strikes)
is almost permanent. Therefore, you may reach a point (over 25%
critical strike chance unbuffed or so), where you will prefer unlocking the
second tier of the Elemental Combat tree by investing 2 points in
and 3 points in
This scenario is unlikely as Critical Strike Rating is not a valuable
statistics for Enhancement Shamans.
2.1.2. Talents Explained
The following list covers each of the fixed and optional talents with a brief
explanation as to why they should be taken.
- 2/2
Elemental Weapons: this is a key talent, which greatly increases
the effectiveness of the two imbues you will use:
Windfury Weapon and
Flametongue Weapon.
- 3/3
Focused Strikes:
Stormstrike is one of your main abilities,
therefore increasing its damage by 45% is mandatory.
- 2/3
Improved Shields: this talent is the best filler you have in order
to unlock your 31-point talent.
- 3/3
Elemental Devastation:
Elemental Devastation is the buff
that will regularly be applied on yourself after choosing this talent.
An interesting thing is that Elemental Devastation does not have an internal
cooldown and will be refreshed every time you score a critical strike
with non periodic spells. It means that the uptime of this self-buff will
increase as your critical strike chance increases. Also, this buff increases
the uptime of
Flurry, the buff enabled by the next talent we choose.
- 3/3
Flurry is the buff that will regularly be applied
on yourself after choosing this talent. The buff has 3 charges which are used by
subsequent melee attacks. In a similar fashion as Elemental
Devastation, it does not have an internal cooldown and will be refreshed, with 3
charges, every time you score a critical strike with melee attacks. Just like
Elemental Devastation, again, it means that the uptime of this self-buff
increases as your critical strike chance increases.
- 2/2
Ancestral Swiftness: this talent makes it instant for you to
shapeshift into a Ghost Wolf. This is very useful to help you avoid various
boss' abilities.
- 1/1
Stormstrike is an integral part of your
DPS rotation as an Enhancement Shaman. Enabling it is mandatory.
- 3/3
Static Shock: the DPS boost provided by this talent is
- 3/3
Searing Flames: you need to take this talent because it enables
you to take
Improved Lava Lash later on in the tree.
- 1/1
Shamanistic Rage: the ability given by this talent will prove
very useful while raiding because of the temporary damage reduction it
provides. It will also enable you to continue casting your offensive
spells, should you find yourself out of mana (which is very rare as
an Enhancement Shaman).
- 2/2
Unleashed Rage: this talent is mandatory because of the
boost it provides to your Expertise and the Attack Power increase to yourself
and surrounding raid members.
- 3/3
Maelstrom Weapon: this talent is not as useful for raiding
as it is for leveling up. However, it will regularly give you free and instant
spells which you can use to damage the enemies or heal yourself and party
- 2/2
Improved Lava Lash: this is a dramatic damage increase to your
most damaging ability. This talent also causes
Lava Lash to spread
Flame Shock to nearby enemies, which is very beneficial in
multiple-target situations.
- 1/1
Feral Spirit: this talent gives you a new ability which you
can use to temporarily summon two Spirit Wolves, the damage of which scales
with your attack power. The wolves also heal you every time they deal
- 2/3
Acuity or 3/3
Acuity: this talent increases your critical
strike chance, which increases your damage and the uptime of
Flurry and
Elemental Devastation.
- 2/3
Concussion or 3/3
Concussion: this talent provides a
damage boost to some of your abilities, but you are mainly taking it because it
is the only other alternative to unlock the next tier of the Elemental Combat
- 2/2
Call of Flame: take this talent when you want to increase your AoE
damage. Regarding single target damage, your
Searing Totem will only
account for about 2% of your total damage, therefore, increasing its damage
by 20% is an extremely small increase to your overall damage. In AoE damage
situations, this talent increases the damage of
Fire Nova, your
main AoE ability.
- 2/2
Reverberation: the main benefit of that talent is the 10 second
reduction on the cooldown of
Wind Shear, which enables you to
single-handedly interrupt most boss abilities.
- 3/3
Elemental Precision: choosing this talent gives a solid damage
boost, as about 60% of your overall damage is caused by abilities or spells
which deal Fire or Nature damage.
2.2. Glyphs
Choosing the correct glyphs as an Enhancement Shaman is rather
simple, except for the major glyphs, for which you need to make a choice.
2.2.1. Prime Glyphs
Take the following glyphs:
If you need to boost your AoE damage and are willing to sacrifice some
single-target damage, then you can replace Glyph of Windfury Weapon with
Glyph of Flame Shock.
2.2.2. Major Glyphs
Glyph of Lightning Shield is the only major glyph that we deem to be
mandatory. It saves you from wasting precious time refreshing your
For the other glyphs, you can choose among (listed by usefulness in
current content):
Your raid leader can also ask you to take Glyph of Healing Stream Totem to
provide resistance to various magic schools.
2.2.3. Minor Glyphs
We advise you to take the two following minor glyphs:
They save you from carrying reagents with you.
For the same reason, you can take Glyph of Water Breathing as your
third minor glyph, but Glyph of Astral Recall is also possible, depending
on what you find more convenient.