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Beast Mastery Hunter DPS Buffs, Debuffs, and Useful Abilities (4.3.4)

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In this article, we list the buffs, debuffs and useful abilities that a Beast Mastery Hunter brings to a raid. We also list equivalent buffs and debuffs that other classes provide.

The other articles of our Beast Mastery Hunter guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the left.

1. Hunter↑top

Aspect of the Cheetah Icon Aspect of the Cheetah Increases your movement speed by 30% — generally not advised during combat because of the negative dazing effect
Aspect of the Fox Icon Aspect of the Fox Enables you to shoot while moving (very situational)
Aspect of the Hawk Icon Aspect of the Hawk Increases your ranged Attack Power by 2700 (and by an additional 30% if One with Nature Icon One with Nature is talented)
Aspect of the Pack Icon Aspect of the Pack Increases the movement speed of nearby raid members by 30% — useful for speeding up your raid after a wipe, but generally not advised during combat because of the negative dazing effect
Aspect of the Wild Icon Aspect of the Wild Increases the Nature Resistance of your fellow raid members — does not stack with Healing Stream Totem Icon Healing Stream Totem (combined with Glyph of Healing Stream Totem) and Elemental Resistance Totem Icon Elemental Resistance Totem
Ferocious Inspiration Icon Ferocious Inspiration Increases raid damage by 3% — does not stack with Arcane Tactics Icon Arcane Tactics and Communion Icon Communion
Widow Venom Icon Widow Venom Reduces healing by 25% — does not stack with Monstrous Bite Icon Monstrous Bite, Permafrost Icon Permafrost, Improved Mind Blast Icon Improved Mind Blast, Wound Poison Icon Wound Poison, Furious Attacks Icon Furious Attacks, Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike, and Legion Strike Icon Legion Strike
Concussive Shot Icon Concussive Shot Slows the target by 50% for 6 seconds. Does not work on raid bosses. Has a 5 second cooldown, no focus cost and it is instant cast.
Distracting Shot Icon Distracting Shot Forces the target to attack you for 6 seconds. Has an 8 second cooldown, no focus cost and is an instant cast. This ability does not affect the threat table of the mob, and after its effect wears off, the mob will return to its normal top-aggro target.
Misdirection Icon Misdirection This ability is cast on a raid member, and applies a buff to yourself that lasts for 20 seconds. Any attacks made during this time will replace this buff with another, 4 second long buff during which all threat generated by you will be redirected to the raid member who you cast Misdirection on. After 30 seconds, the threat redirection fades. It has a 30 second cooldown, no focus cost and it is instant cast.
Tranquilizing Shot Icon Tranquilizing Shot Removes one enrage effect and one magic effect from an enemy target. Has no cooldown, costs 20 focus and is instant cast.
Trap Launcher Icon Trap Launcher Allows you to place any of your traps at a ranged location of your choice, up to 40 yards away.
Deterrence Icon Deterrence This ability grants you full immunity from melee and ranged attacks as well as spells cast at you for its duration. It does not work to mitigate damage from DoTs and some AoE spells are also not prevented by it. While active, you are unable to perform any attacks. It has a two minute (1 minute and 50 seconds with Glyph of Deterrence) cooldown, no focus cost and it is instant cast.
Disengage Icon Disengage This ability causes you to leap backwards through the air, ideally away from danger. It is a very useful movement tool. You can use it to travel in any direction simply by turning your character in the opposite direction of the one you wish to travel in. It has a 25 second (20 second with Glyph of Disengage) cooldown, no focus cost and it is instant cast.
Feign Death Icon Feign Death This ability will reset your threat on all mobs that you are currently in combat with. If no one else is present on the mob's aggro table, then the mob will despawn. It has a low chance of being resisted and thus failing. It has a 30 second (25 with Glyph of Feign Death) cooldown, has no focus cost and is an instant cast.

2. Pets↑top

Equivalent for Time Warp Icon Time Warp, Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust, and Heroism Icon Heroism
Increases statistics by 5% and increases magical resistances — does not stack with Mark of the Wild Icon Mark of the Wild and Blessing of Kings Icon Blessing of Kings
Increases the critical strike chance of all party and raid members by 5% — does not stack with Leader of the Pack Icon Leader of the Pack, Terrifying Roar Icon Terrifying Roar, Honor Among Thieves Icon Honor Among Thieves, Elemental Oath Icon Elemental Oath, and Rampage Icon Rampage
Increases party and raid members' Stamina by 584 — does not stack with Power Word: Fortitude Icon Power Word: Fortitude, Commanding Shout Icon Commanding Shout, and Blood Pact Icon Blood Pact
Increases Strength and Agility by 549 for all party and raid members — does not stack with Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter, Strength of Earth Totem Icon Strength of Earth Totem, and Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout
Increases the critical strike chance of all party and raid members by 5% — Does not stack with Leader of the Pack Icon Leader of the Pack, Furious Howl Icon Furious Howl, Honor Among Thieves Icon Honor Among Thieves, Elemental Oath Icon Elemental Oath, and Rampage Icon Rampage
Increases physical damage taken by 4% — does not stack with Brittle Bones Icon Brittle Bones, Ravage Icon Ravage, Savage Combat Icon Savage Combat, and Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy
12% Armor reduction — does not stack with Faerie Fire Icon Faerie Fire, Tear Armor Icon Tear Armor, Expose Armor Icon Expose Armor, and Sunder Armor Icon Sunder Armor
10% Physical Damage done reduction — does not stack with Scarlet Fever Icon Scarlet Fever, Demoralizing Roar Icon Demoralizing Roar, Demoralizing Screech Icon Demoralizing Screech, Vindication Icon Vindication, Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout, and Curse of Weakness Icon Curse of Weakness
10% Physical Damage done reduction — does not stack with Scarlet Fever Icon Scarlet Fever, Demoralizing Roar Icon Demoralizing Roar, Demoralizing Roar Icon Demoralizing Roar, Vindication Icon Vindication, Demoralizing Shout Icon Demoralizing Shout, and Curse of Weakness Icon Curse of Weakness
Attack speed reduction — does not stack with Frost Fever Icon Frost Fever, Infected Wounds Icon Infected Wounds, Tailspin Icon Tailspin, Judgements of the Just Icon Judgements of the Just, Waylay Icon Waylay, Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock, and Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap
Increased spell damage taken — does not stack with Ebon Plaguebringer Icon Ebon Plaguebringer, Earth and Moon Icon Earth and Moon, Lightning Breath Icon Lightning Breath, Master Poisoner Icon Master Poisoner, and Curse of the Elements Icon Curse of the Elements
  • Gore Icon Gore
  • Boars (Tenacity)
Bleed damage — does not stack with Mangle Icon Mangle Stampede Icon Stampede, Tendon Rip Icon Tendon Rip, Hemorrhage Icon Hemorrhage, and Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy
Slows casting speed by 30% — does not stack with Necrotic Strike Icon Necrotic Strike, Spore Cloud Icon Spore Cloud, Slow Icon Slow, Mind-numbing Poison Icon Mind-numbing Poison, and Curse of Tongues Icon Curse of Tongues
Increased spell damage taken — does not stack with Ebon Plaguebringer Icon Ebon Plaguebringer, Earth and Moon Icon Earth and Moon, Fire Breath Icon Fire Breath, Master Poisoner Icon Master Poisoner, and Curse of the Elements Icon Curse of the Elements
Reduces healing by 25% — does not stack with Widow Venom Icon Widow Venom, Permafrost Icon Permafrost, Improved Mind Blast Icon Improved Mind Blast, Wound Poison Icon Wound Poison, Furious Attacks Icon Furious Attacks, Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike, and Legion Strike Icon Legion Strike
Increases physical damage taken by 4% — does not stack with Brittle Bones Icon Brittle Bones, Acid Spit Icon Acid Spit, Savage Combat Icon Savage Combat, and Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy
Slows casting speed by 30% — does not stack with Necrotic Strike Icon Necrotic Strike, Lava Breath Icon Lava Breath, Slow Icon Slow, Mind-numbing Poison Icon Mind-numbing Poison, and Curse of Tongues Icon Curse of Tongues
Bleed damage — does not stack with Mangle Icon Mangle, Gore Icon Gore, Tendon Rip Icon Tendon Rip, Hemorrhage Icon Hemorrhage, and Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy
Attack speed reduction — does not stack with Frost Fever Icon Frost Fever, Infected Wounds Icon Infected Wounds, Dust Cloud Icon Dust Cloud, Judgements of the Just Icon Judgements of the Just, Waylay Icon Waylay, Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock, and Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap
12% Armor reduction — does not stack with Faerie Fire Icon Faerie Fire, Corrosive Spit Icon Corrosive Spit, Expose Armor Icon Expose Armor, and Sunder Armor Icon Sunder Armor
Bleed damage — does not stack with Mangle Icon Mangle, Gore Icon Gore, Stampede Icon Stampede, Hemorrhage Icon Hemorrhage, and Blood Frenzy Icon Blood Frenzy
AoE attack
AoE attack
  • Snatch Icon Snatch
  • Birds of Prey (Cunning)
Heals for a fixed amount instantly and a larger amount over 10 seconds

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