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Arcane Mage DPS Gems, Enchants, and Consumables (WoW 4.3.4)

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In this article, we present you with the best gems and enchants that you can get for an Arcane Mage in WoW 4.3, including profession-specific perks. We also list the best consumables: food, flasks, and potions.

Make sure to check our Gear Optimisation Guide, which serves as a support guide for this article. The other articles of our Arcane Mage guide can be accessed from the table of content on the left.

1. Gems↑top

Sockets Gems
Meta Socket Burning Shadowspirit Diamond
Red Socket Prismatic Socket Brilliant Queen's Garnet, Brilliant Inferno Ruby (cheaper), or Brilliant Chimera's Eye (JC)
Yellow Socket
Blue Socket

2. Enchants↑top

Slot Main Enchantments Extra Enchantments
Head Arcanum of Hyjal
Chest Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats
Wrists Socket Bracer (Blacksmithing)
Rings Enchant Ring - Intellect (Enchanting)
Off-hand Enchant Off-Hand - Superior Intellect

Note that Extra Enchantments can be applied to an item in addition to a Main Enchantment.

3. Consumables↑top

You should always be eating food that provides 90 intellect, whether this is in the form of:

Your flask should be a Flask of the Draconic Mind.

During the encounter, your best choice for a potion will be Volcanic Potion.

4. Summing-up Profession Perks↑top

Choosing a profession for your Arcane Mage can impact your raid performance. As a rule, you should shy away from gathering professions (with the exception of Herbalism), which leaves the following viable professions for raiding:

Profession Perks
Tailoring Provides a gain of approximately 120 Intellect through Lightweave Embroidery. It also provides Master's Spellthread, a much cheaper equivalent of Powerful Enchanted Spellthread, the usual leg enchant.
Blacksmithing Provides a 100 Intellect gain through two extra sockets: Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves. Only provides an 80 Intellect gain if you are still using Brilliant Inferno Ruby, and not the newer Brilliant Queen's Garnet.
Jewelcrafting Provides a 51 Intellect gain through the ability of using 3 Brilliant Chimera's Eye. It does provide an 81 Intellect gain if you are still using Brilliant Inferno Ruby and not the newer Brilliant Queen's Garnet.
Alchemy Provides an 80 Intellect gain to your flask through Mixology.
Enchanting Provides an 80 Intellect gain through Enchant Ring - Intellect.
Engineering Provides an 80 Intellect gain in average through Synapse Springs. Also provides Grounded Plasma Shield, an additional Waist enchant that can be used as a survival tool during encounters, but it runs the risk of backfiring (in which case, you taunt and take aggro on all nearby mobs).
Inscription Provides an 80 Intellect gain through Felfire Inscription. It also saves you from the trouble of farming reputation with Therazane to get the usual enchantment.
Leatherworking Provides an 80 Intellect gain through Draconic Embossment - Intellect.
Herbalism Provides an 80 Haste Rating gain in average through Lifeblood.

You will generally prefer a passive Intellect bonus over any of the other temporary gains. Indeed, Lifeblood provides Haste Rating, which is much less valuable than any Intellect bonus, as an Arcane Mage. Synapse Springs is good, but if you already have an on-use trinket, the two effects cannot be used simultaneously and you will prefer that of your trinket, which is, most likely, a lot more powerful than that of Synapse Springs. Also, Synapse Springs has a one-minute cooldown and loses much of its appeal if you decide to delay using it until you can combine it with Arcane Power Icon Arcane Power.

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