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Yor'sahj the Unsleeping Healer Strategy Guide

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Boss Icon - Yor'sahj the UnsleepingThis guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of theencounter with Yor'sahj the Unsleeping in Dragon Soul. It is mostly targeted to healerswho desire to have a short but detailed overview of what is expected ofthem during that fight.

This guide applies to patch 4.3 of World of Warcraft.


The Yor'sahj the Unsleeping encounter presents its highest degree ofdifficulty to the raid leader, who must make certain decisions during thefight. The other roles, including healers, have a much easier time duringthis fight.

Depending on the boss' abilities (explained below), you will have to eitherstack on the boss (most often) or spread out (rarely) and heal different typesof damage.


1. Overview of the Fight↑top

The Yor'sahj encounter is essentially a single phase fight. The encounteris unique, in the sense that Yor'sahj has only one ability, which he casts withregularity.

Additionally, Yor'sahj will regularly summon 3 randomoozes of a different type (out of 6 possible types). Upon reaching the boss,each ooze buffs the boss, granting him a specific ability that lasts 60seconds. When there are about 15 seconds left on his buffs, the boss beginssummoning the next set of 3 oozes.

Your raid can only kill one of the three oozes each time (as soon as onedies, the other two become immune), so you will have to deal with thecombination of the abilities that the two surviving oozes grant the boss.

2. Positioning↑top

  • If Yor'sahj absorbs a Black ooze, stack close to the boss.
  • If Yor'sahj absorbs a Red ooze, stack close to the boss.
  • If Yor'sahj absorbs a Yellow ooze, stack close to the boss.
  • If Yor'sahj absorbs a Green ooze, spread out at least 4 yards from otherplayers.
  • If Yor'sahj absorbs a Blue ooze, there are no positioningconstraints.
  • If Yor'sahj absorbs a Purple ooze, there are no positioningconstraints.

3. Sources of Damage↑top

For the entire duration of the encounter (except for when the boss summoningoozes, roughly 25 seconds every 75 seconds), Yor'sahj will spam Void Bolt Icon Void Bolton the current tank. This deals high damage and applies a stacking Shadowdamage DoT, that ticks for 5,000 damage every 2 seconds in 10-man difficultyand 30,000 in 25-man difficulty.

Other than this, the oozes grant the boss the following damaging abilities.

  • The Black ooze will cause Forgotten Ones to spawn. These adds willdeal damage to many raid members, until they are killed(Psychic Slice Icon Psychic Slice).
  • The Red ooze will cause the raid members who are farthest away fromYor'sahj to take damage from Searing Blood Icon Searing Blood. The damage is higher thefarther away from the boss these players are. When in melee range, these playerswill take about 20,000 damage each time they are hit.
  • The Yellow ooze will cause Yor'sahj to use his abilities (includingVoid Bolt) more often, resulting in more tank damage. Additionally, Void Boltwill now hit the entire raid, resulting in a high amount of raid damage (noDoT will be applied to the raid, however).
  • The Green ooze will cause the boss to deal damage to random raid members(Digestive Acid Icon Digestive Acid) as well as any players within 4 yards of them. If theraid is spread out, this damage should be minimal. In LFR difficulty, there isno splash damage associated with Digestive Acid.

4. Dealing with the Blue Ooze↑top

If Yor'sahj absorbs a Blue ooze, he will summon a Mana Void.Over the course of 4 seconds, this add will drain the mana of everyone in the raid.When the Mana Void dies (your raid will kill it quickly), it will grant themana back to all mana users within 30 yards of it (distributed evenly amongthem).

Once your mana has been drained, you will continue to regenerate mananormally, so you will be able to perform some healing. You can use cooldownssuch as Mana Tide Totem Icon Mana Tide Totem or Hymn of Hope Icon Hymn of Hope, or use aMythical Mana Potion at this time, should you urgently need to heal beforethe Mana Void is killed.

5. Dealing with the Purple Ooze↑top

If Yor'sahj absorbs a Purple ooze, every 5th heal or absorb effectcast on any raid member will cause a raid-wide AoE attack(Deep Corruption Icon Deep Corruption). When this ooze is active, you should keep all healingto an absolute minimum. Ideally, the raid will receive no heals at allduring this time, and a specific healer will be assigned to keep the tankalive with big heals (such as a Holy Paladin).

6. Heroic Mode↑top

The only significant difference between the Heroic Mode and the Normal modeis that Yor'sahj will spawn 4 oozes instead of 3. Since you can only kill one,it means that you will always have to deal with Yor'sahj being empowered withthe abilities of 3 oozes, instead of 2.

Other than this, all abilities deal more damage and all units (Yor'sahj, oozes,adds, and Mana Void) have more health.

As a healer, you will find that the fight is the same as the Normal version,just that it is a lot harder to heal (since having the 3rd ooze invariably addsmore raid damage).

That said, there are a few things that you need to be aware of and which wedetail in the next sections.

6.1. Black, Red, and Yellow

This combination of oozes will be the hardest to heal. Fortunately, since theraid will be stacked up on the boss, AoE healing cooldowns should be kept andused for this combination: Power Word: Barrier Icon Power Word: Barrier, Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem,Aura Mastery Icon Aura Mastery, etc.

Note that this combination can come twice or thrice in a row, meaning thatyour raid should try to use AoE healing cooldowns sparingly, only whennecessary. This will enable you to survive the bad odds that come withgetting this combination several times in the fight.

6.2. Deep Corruption

Your raid will have to deal with purplein half of the 6 possible combinations. This means that, unlike in Normal mode,properly handling Deep Corruption Icon Deep Corruption is no longer optional.

To properly handle this debuff, you must have it show in your raidframe addons (the spell ID is 105171 and its name is Deep Corruption).

Also, purple is always up in combinationwith blue, which deals no damage, and either ofblack or green,which deals very moderate damage. As you can see, purple is never combined witha highly damaging ooze that could cause you or the other healers to panic, so youshould be able to easily keep alive every player in the raid, without having to healthem more than 4 times.

6.3. Mana Void Trick

The fight has a very tight enrage timer of 10 minutes. For this reason,your raid will probably ignore the first Mana Void. This means that youwill need to use cooldowns such as Hymn of Hope Icon Hymn of Hope or Mana Tide Totem Icon Mana Tide Totemafter it has depleted all casters of their mana.

The idea is to survive with rather low mana for one phase or two, until youget a second Mana Void (something that should happen quickly enough as 4 of the 6combinations have blue). Then, as soon as thesecond Mana Void has depleted all casters of their mana, the first Mana Voidshould be killed.

After that, the second Mana Void will be kept as a means of re-fillingthe raid's mana after the third Mana Void spawns and so on. All in all,this will save your raid the trouble of killing one Mana Void. Since theyhave a significant health pool, this will prevent a wipe tothe enrage timer at 2% health.


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