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Yor'sahj the Unsleeping DPS Strategy Guide

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Boss Icon - Yor'sahj the UnsleepingThis guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of theencounter with Yor'sahj the Unsleeping in Dragon Soul. It is mostly targeted to DPSwho desire to have a short but detailed overview of what is expected ofthem during that fight.

This guide applies to patch 4.3 of World of Warcraft.


The Yor'sahj the Unsleeping encounter presents its highest degree ofdifficulty to the raid leader, who must make certain decisions during thefight. The other roles, including DPS, have a much easier time duringthis fight.

As a DPS player, you will divide your time between attacking the bossand the adds he summons. Additionally,you will be required to stack on the boss (most often) or spread out(rarely).


1. Overview of the Fight↑top

The Yor'sahj encounter is essentially a single phase fight. The encounteris unique, in the sense that Yor'sahj has only one ability, which he casts withregularity.

Additionally, Yor'sahj will regularly summon 3 randomoozes of a different type (out of 6 possible types). Upon reaching the boss,each ooze buffs the boss, granting him a specific ability that lasts 60seconds. When there are about 15 seconds left on his buffs, the boss beginssummoning the next set of 3 oozes.

Your raid can only kill one of the three oozes each time (as soon as onedies, the other two become immune), so you will have to deal with thecombination of the abilities that the two surviving oozes grant the boss.

2. Strategy↑top

The strategy for DPS can be summarised as follows.

  • When oozes spawn, DPS the designated ooze immediately (your raid leaderwill tell you which one to kill).
    • if Yor'sahj absorbs a Black ooze, stack close to the boss and AoE down the adds.
    • if Yor'sahj absorbs a Blue ooze, kill the Mana Void (absolute priority).
    • if Yor'sahj absorbs a Red ooze, stack close to the boss.
    • if Yor'sahj absorbs a Yellow ooze, stack close to the boss.
    • if Yor'sahj absorbs a Green ooze
      • 10-man/25-man difficulties: spread out at least 4 yards from other players;
      • LFR: there are no additional tasks to perform.
    • if Yor'sahj absorbs a Purple ooze, there are no additional tasks to perform.
  • Whenever you are not busy attacking an add, attack Yor'sahj.

3. Heroic Mode↑top

The main difference between the Normal and Heroic versions of theencounter with Yor'sahj is that your raid will have to kill 1 of 4oozes (instead of 1 of 3), which means that Yor'sahj will be empoweredby 3 oozes.

Other that that, all abilities deal more damage and all unitshave more health (including the boss).

As a DPS, you will find that the fight is extremely similar to theNormal version. The difficult part is the 10-minute enrage timer, whichwill probably be very tight as you progress on the fight. Fortunately,there are a few tricks that you raid can make use of to beat it.

3.1. Beating the Enrage Timer

Precious seconds can be saved in the way you will handle the oozes, theForgotten Ones, and the Mana Void.

3.1.1. Killing the Oozes

Killing the oozes might not require the entire contingent of DPS. Theidea is to kill the ooze close to the boss, and not half-way through (whichwould mean that some DPS that were sent to kill it would have been betteremployed on the boss). Therefore, it is possible that your raid leader willask you to remain on the boss when the oozes are up, especially if yourclass is not capable of doing high burst damage.

3.1.2. Killing the Forgotten Ones

When the Forgotten Ones spawn (which will happen in all combinations,save one), you should not specifically AoE them down. Rather, onlyclasses that can spread their damage on the boss to the adds (for example, Combat Rogueswith Blade Flurry Icon Blade Flurry, Fire Mages with Impact Icon Impact and Combustion Icon Combustion)or that can spread their damage on the adds to the boss (for example, Warlocks withBane of Havoc Icon Bane of Havoc, Enhancement Shamans with Lava Lash Icon Lava Lash, Improved Lava Lash Icon Improved Lava Lash,Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock, and Fire Nova Icon Fire Nova) should bother with the Forgotten Ones.

3.1.3. Kill the Mana Void

Your raid will most likely choose to ignore the first Mana Void(try getting it to 20-30% by the time the next set of oozes spawn) and usecooldowns such as Hymn of Hope Icon Hymn of Hope or Mana Tide Totem Icon Mana Tide Totem after it has depletedall casters of their mana.

The idea is to survive with rather low mana for one phase or two, until youget a second Mana Void (something that should happen quickly enough as 4 of the 6combinations have blue). Then, as soon as thesecond Mana Void has depleted all casters of their mana, the first Mana Voidshould be killed. Hopefully it will be on low health, after taking a bit ofdamage now and then.

After that, you should keep the second Mana Void as a means of re-fillingyour raid's mana after the third Mana Void spawns and so on. All in all,this will save you the trouble of killing one Mana Void. Since theyhave a significant health pool, this will prevent you from wiping tothe enrage timer at 2% health.


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