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Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2015.03.08.
Other Blackhorn guides on Tauri Veins: This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of theencounter with Warmaster Blackhorn in Dragon Soul. It is mostly targeted to DPSwho desire to have a short but detailed overview of what is expected ofthem during that fight. This guide applies to patch 4.3 of World of Warcraft. The Warmaster Blackhorn encounter is a two-phase fight during which youwill have to deal with many types of adds, before finally performing a DPSburn against Backhorn himself. The encounter is very reminiscent of theGunship Battle from Icecrown Citadel, although much more difficult. DPS players will have to properly prioritise targets, while avoiding variousabilities and performing a variety of different tasks. 1. Overview of the Fight↑topThe Warmaster Blackhorn encounter takes place on a flying gunship. The shiphas a health pool and can be damaged by various abilities during theencounter. Aside from defeating Warmaster Blackhorn, you will also have toensure the survival of your ship, if you wish to succeed in this encounter. The encounter is a two phase fight. During the firstphase, your raid will mainly have to deal with 4 different types of adds (3types of adds in LFR). You will also have to watch out for many void zones inwhich you must stand in order to protect the gunship. If 3 waves of adds aredealt with successfully, the second phase will begin. During this phase, yourraid will have to deal with Warmaster Blackhorn himself.
2. Phase One↑topDuring Phase one, the raid will be spread out all over the ship and you willhave to perform a few simple tasks, given below, in order of priority.
3. Phase Two↑topPhase Two begins as soon as all the Twilight Assault Drakes have beenkilled. During this phase, the strategy can be summarised as follows.
Moving out of the Shockwave area is easier the closer you are to the boss,so attempt to stay as close to him as possible. There is no requirement to bespread out during this phase. 4. Heroic Mode↑topAs a DPS player, the heroic mode of Warmaster Blackhorn is very similarto the normal mode, with only a few relevant changes. 4.1. Differences from Normal ModeIn addition to increased health and damage, the following changes are ofimportance to you:
4.2. Strategy4.2.1. Phase OneDuring Phase One, you only have two added concerns:
Because the number of Twilight Barrages is affected by how manyTwilight Assault Drakes are currently alive, the Drakes have a high killpriority, and you should switch to them each time they are harpooned (even ifyou are a melee DPS player). If you are a ranged DPS player, you can move to the very top of the shipat the start of the fight (by climbing up the stairs next to the ship'scabin) and from there you can nuke and DoT the Twilight Assault Drake thatis in range. Additionally, you can also attack and DoT Goriona (although you shouldfocus on the Twilight Assault Drake until it is dead). 4.2.2. Phase TwoDuring Phase Two, simply do as in normal mode (melee DPS on Blackhorn,ranged DPS on Goriona) until Goriona lands. After Goriona lands, burn herdown. She has a breath attack and will be tanked facing away from the raid. After Goriona flies away, simply focus on finishing off WarmasterBlackhorn. Lastly, it is likely that you will be asked to stack together in a groupduring Phase Two, in order to more efficiently be healed through one ofGoriona's heroic-only abilities (which is, otherwise, of no concern to you).Pay attention to your raid leader's instructions. |