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Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2015.03.08.
Other Zon'ozz guides on Tauri Veins:
This guide applies to patch 4.3 of World of Warcraft. The Warlord Zon'ozz encounter is not challenging for tanks. The fight is composed of two alternating phases, during which the tank will mostly have to ensure that the boss is facing the correct way. Tank damage can be quite high at times, and proper use of defensive cooldowns is extremely valuable. 1. Overview of the Fight↑topZon'ozz is a relatively simple encounter made up of two alternating phases. Your raid's actions will determine when the boss enters the second phase in the cycle:
This alternation of phases continues until Warlord Zon'ozz is dead. The damage done on Zon'ozz will keep increasing as the fight goes on (each bounce that the Ball makes causes Zon'ozz to take 5% increased damage when the Ball hits him). Therefore, it is important that the Ball be properly handled during the Ping Pong Phase. 2. Ping Pong Phase↑topDuring the Ping Pong Phase, as a tank, the following things are of importance to you:
In LFR difficulty, you should always face the boss at a 60 degree angle from the ranged group. This way, the Ball will be bounced between you and the Ranged group (the Melee group will be on the other side of the boss). When it is time to trigger the Black Phase, simply move out of the path of the Ball, letting it hit Zon'ozz. The two images below show raid positioning for LFR and normal difficulties. Zon'ozz deals increasing damage as each Ping Pong Phase goes on
( 3. Black Phase↑topDuring the Black Phase, the boss will deal AoE damage to the whole raid and take increased damage. There is nothing specific that the tank must do during this phase. After 30 seconds, the Ping Pong Phase will resume, and the tank should make sure to properly face Zon'ozz, as described above. Note that from the moment Zon'ozz is hit by the Ball to approximately 15 seconds
after 4. Heroic Mode↑topThe only change to heroic mode that affects you, as a tank, happens during the Black Phase. A number of adds spawn during this time, and one of them, the Claw of Go'rath (a very large tentacle that spawns close to the boss) must always be tanked, as otherwise it wipes the raid. In 25-man, there are 2 Claws of Go'rath, although a single one will be tanked by you (it does not matter which one), while a DPS player will tank the other one. As soon as the Black Phase starts and the Claw spawns, simply move to it and tank it. After Zon'ozz moves to you, continue to tank him on top of the Claw, allowing your DPS players to cleave it while damaging the boss. It is very likely that the Claw will survive the Black Phase and only die a little later, so make sure that you continue to tank it until it is dead. |