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Ultraxion DPS Strategy Guide

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Boss Icon - UltraxionThis guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of theencounter with Ultraxion in Dragon Soul. It is mostly targeted to DPSwho desire to have a short but detailed overview of what is expected ofthem during that fight.

This guide applies to patch 4.3 of World of Warcraft.


The Ultraxion encounter is a gear check for both DPS players and healers.From a strategy point of view, however, the encounter is extremely simpleto understand execute.

As a DPS player, you will not be required to move for the entire durationof the fight, and you will only have to DPS the boss and use anencounter-specific ability, at regular intervals.


1. Overview of the Fight↑top

The encounter against Ultraxion is a single phase encounter, the difficultyof which increases over time. The fight has both a hard and a soft enragetimer, ensuring that close to or at the 6 minute mark, your raid willunavoidably wipe.

2. Heroic Will↑top

During the encounter, you will regularly have to avoid two abilities, byuse of an encounter-specific ability, Heroic Will Icon Heroic Will. It will appear on yourscreen, in the form of a special action bar that looks like this:

Ultraxion Heroic Will

Heroic Will has a 5 second cooldown and has no resource cost. It is off theGlobal Cooldown and it can be cast while you are already casting anotherspell. Using it has no beneficial effects, and merely allows youto avoid certain mechanics.

Using Heroic Will will put you in a special state, for up to 5 seconds (oruntil the ability you are avoiding is cast), during which time you cannotperform any action whatsoever (DPS, move).

This ability can be keybound from the Key Bindings Menu (it is calledExtraActionButton1 and it is located in the Action Bar Functions section). Thebutton may may not display properly (or at all) if you are using any actionbar add-ons, although this does not affect the aforementioned key-binding'sefficiency. Alternatively, you can use the following macro:

  • /click ExtraActionButton1

Clicking this macro (which, of course, can be keybound), has the sameeffect as clicking the Heroic Will button.

3. Strategy↑top

As a DPS player, you will not have to move at all during the encounter, andyou will simply stack together with the rest of the raid. You should focuson doing as much DPS as possible, while keeping the following in mind:

  • Whenever Ultraxion begins casting Hour of Twilight Icon Hour of Twilight (it is shownclearly as an emote on your screen, and you can also see the boss' cast bar),use Heroic Will Icon Heroic Will, unless your raid leader has specifically asked youotherwise. In the latter case, you will need to use one of your class'abilities in order to survive the 300,000 damage attack. Your raid leader willinform you further. This ability will occur every 45 seconds.
  • Whenever you are debuffed with Fading Light Icon Fading Light, use yourHeroic Will Icon Heroic Will ability when there are fewer than 5 seconds left on thedebuff timer.

4. Heroic Mode↑top

The heroic mode of the Ultraxion encouner is very similar to the normalmode. The only change that will seriously impact you, as a DPS player,is that the DPS requirement for beating the enrage timer is much higherthan in normal mode.

In addition to this, more players now receive the Fading Light Icon Fading Light debuff,so you have an increased chance of getting it.

Finally, there is an increased chance that you will have to surviveHour of Twilight Icon Hour of Twilight instead of using Heroic Will Icon Heroic Will to bypass it. Your raidleader will instruct you regarding this. Keep in mind that, in heroic mode,a debuff is applied each time you survive an Hour of Twilight. The debuff lasts2 minutes and causes you to instantly die to Hour of Twilight should you tryto survive it again.

In all likelihood, you will have to survive every third Hour of Twilight,as part of a rotation with your other raid members.


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