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Utolsó módosítás programmer, ekkor: 2015.03.02.
Noblegarden is the World of Warcraft counterpart of Easter, the most important Christian festival. Though its origins are steeped in druidic festivals from times long past, the current incarnation of Noblegarden is a contrast between ancient traditions and modern interpretations. While some races of Azeroth try to stay true to the original spirit of the holiday, others prefer a more lighthearted approach — in essence, looking everywhere for festively decorated eggs and collecting the goodies found within. One tenet all can agree on is that the feast of Noblegarden is meant to bring communities together to share the joy of life and friendship. All characters will be able to participate, as none of the activities has a level requirement. The event itself takes place mostly in low level towns of each faction, where players will busy themselves searching for eggs that contain rewards and items needed for the achievements. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to complete the event. 1. Overview↑topNoblegarden is a rather simple and short event. You will be
spending the majority of your time looking for
1.1. EligibilityAll characters (from level 1 to 85) are eligible to participate in the event
and can earn all the achievements and rewards (with the exception of
1.2. Date and TimelineNoblegarden is a 1-week event. This year, it will start on April the 8th and finish on April the 15th. Noblegarden is a short event, in the sense that you can complete it entirely and obtain all the rewards in a matter of a few hours. 1.3. LocationsNoblegarden quests givers and vendors can be found in the following low level towns:
Collecting 1.4. CurrencyThe currency of the event is 2. Rewards↑topIn addition to the various vanity items needed for the achievements and the achievements themselves, Noblegarden offers three rewards:
2.1. Vanity ItemsAt each Noblegarden location, you will find Noblegarden Vendors (Alliance) and Noblegarden Merchants (Horde). These NPCs sell many vanity items, most of which are required for completing the achievements.
2.2. AchievementsThe meta-achievement of the event is
3. Quests↑topSpring Collectors (Alliance) and Spring Gatherers (Horde) are the introductory quests of the event. You can take them from commoners in any Capital City. This introductory quest is to be turned in at the Noblegarden location of your choice. There, you will be able to take two other quests:
4. Collecting Eggs↑topEggs can only be found in low level towns where you will find Noblegarden
NPCs. To collect the eggs efficiently, you need to make extensive use of
your After opening a few One last piece of advice is to set, in your Video/Effects settings, Environment Detail to lowest. This will make it easier to see the eggs. 5. Achievements↑topIn this section, we will run you through all the Noblegarden achievements. 5.1. While Collecting EggsMany achievements can be earned while opening 5.1.1. I Found One!
5.1.2. Chocolate Lover and Chocoholic
5.1.3. Dressed for the Occasion
Note that this achievement does not count towards 5.1.4. Sunday's Finest
Note that this achievement does not count towards 5.2. Remaining AchievementsThe remaining achievements are presented below. We tried to rank from the least complicated to the most complicated. 5.2.1. Noble GardenCompleting After laying the egg (and subsequently getting the achievement), you can open it and loot its content. 5.2.2. Blushing BrideThe easiest way to complete Note that if you are missing one of the 3 required items, you can buy them
from a Noblegarden vendor in exchange for 5.2.3. Desert RoseTo complete Once you have 5.2.4. Hard Boiled
During Noblegarden, there are two ways to get transformed into a rabbit:
Note that you will lose your rabbit buff if you take damage, be it from an enemy attack or from a fall. 5.2.5. Spring FlingFor Then, you need to visit the 4 Noblegarden locations of your faction. In each location, you need to get the pet out and find another player with the same pet. Obviously, it makes it a lot easier if you do the achievement with a friend or a guildie. 5.2.6. Shake Your Bunny MakerTo complete The hard part of the achievement is getting characters of the other faction.
To make it even easier, you can use the following macro (credit to WoWWiki): /run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage((UnitSex("target")==2 and "Male " or "Female ")..UnitLevel("target").." "..UnitRace("target").." "..(UnitBuff("target","Sprung!")=="Sprung!" and "Sprung!" or "clear")); Select a target and click the macro. It will check whether the target is a
female and will also tell you if the target has been recently targeted
by another player's |