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Alchemy 395-525

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395-415 - 20 x Indestructible Potion - 40 Icethorn, 20 Crystal Vial

415-425 - 15 x Runic Mana Potion - 30 Lichbloom, 15 Goldclover, 15 Crystal Vial

425-450 - 28 x Draught of War - 28 Cinderbloom, 28 Crystal Vial

450! Indulás megtanulni az Illustrious Grand Master Alchemy-t a fővárosban!

450-455 - 5 x Ghost Elixir - 10 Cinderbloom, 10 Crystal Vial

455-460 - 5 x Deathblood Venom - 5 Stormvine, 5 Crystal Vial

460-465 - 5 x Volcanic Potion - 5 Cinderbloom, 5 Azshara’s Veil, 5 Crystal Vial

465-475 - 11 x Elixir of the Cobra - 11 Cinderbloom, 11 Azshara’s Veil, 11 Crystal Vial

475-480 - 5 x Elixir of Deep Earth - 10 Heartblossom, 10 Crystal Vial

480-490 - 10 x Elixir of Impossible Accuracy - 10 Heartblossom, 10 Cinderbloom, 10 Crystal Vial

490-495 - 5 x Golemblood Potion - 5 Heartblossom, 5 Volatile Life, 5 Crystal Vial

495-504 - 10 x Elixir of the Master - 10 Heartblossom, 10 Twilight Jasmine, 10 Crystal Vial

504-509 - 1 x Flask of Enhancement - 8 Cinderbloom, 8 Twilight Jasmine, 8 Stormvine, 8 Azshara’s Veil, 8 Whiptail, 1 Crystal Vial

509-514 - 1 x Lifebound Alchemist Stone - 50 Volatile Life, 12 Cinderbloom, 12 Azshara’s Veil, 12 Hearblossom

514-515 - 1 x Transmute: Ember Topaz - 3 Hessonite, 3 Cinderbloom

515-520 - 5 x Transmute: Demonseye - 15 Nightstone, 15 Twilight Jasmine


515-520 - 5 x Transmute: Ocean Sapphire - 15 Zephyrite, 15 Azshara’s Veil

520-525 - 5 x Transmute: Amberjewel - 15 Alicite, 15 Whiptail

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